Saturday, June 24, 2023

Looks Well Designed



  1. Dang! another hybrid, with no room for batteries.

    Very happy with my old Grizzly extended table saw w/ router mount.

  2. You cannot buy a bad Grizzly tool.

  3. The grizzly guy is a classic immigrant success story. I believe his daughter might have the reins, now.

    he took up target shooting, so he started selling lathes with particular features beneficial to gunsmithing; he made a guitar, now you can order the kits & accessories to do the same ... took up surfing, too, IIRC.

  4. Now you're starting to get somewhere.

  5. Grizz makes some nice industrial style products...Have run one of their air scrubbers in my shop for over 15 years...although I replaced their filter with disposable filters which can be blown out at the end of the day...then trashed once they wear out...the scrubber cycles the shop air 8 times an hour and does a great job for my application...Cabinet Shop
