Sunday, June 4, 2023

By the power vested in me by no one, I hereby declare June to be Family Pride Month. The flag is the American flag.



  1. Better than being proud of sodomy.

  2. Where I grew up there were a lot of Irish Catholic families, most of them with 6 kids or more. More than a few of them were friends, so I learned a lot hanging out at their houses. Every house had a picture of the Pope and JFK on the wall. None of them were barracks, most of them were controlled chaos, and in almost all of them, kids had responsibilities for chores and for looking after younger siblings. Didn't hurt them one bit.

  3. My parents, having brought 8 kids into this world, could've provided input on multiple kid management, as could their friends who had 13 kids (3 sets of twins), all of whom they put through Christian schools. Even in those times the tuition bills were large.

  4. Just because some idiots prefer to behave like asswipes doesn't mean I have to recognize them. The day is fast approaching when they will go back in hiding. Or be killed on sight.

  5. Imagine the day, not too far in the future, when those kids bring home their husbands and wives, and then you begin to welcome in that whole host of grandkids.


