Thursday, June 22, 2023

25 acp



  1. I have no idea why I want one but I do.

  2. How do you keep it in your hand after firing it? I'd need an extended mag just to hold onto it.

  3. I've had one for years that I inherited. The barrel is so short that flames shoot out of the barrel. I love it. It is 115 years old.

  4. You'd be much better off if you had a 22 Win mag with hollow point ammo.

    1. Yes, North American Arms .22mag Gator. It has a larger grip that the others. Almost no recoil and a nice little and I mean little trigger.

  5. I've had a Beretta .25 ACP Jet Fire for 30 years. A great pocket gun with 9 shots.
    Not my EDC but serves it's purpose when I need it. A good all around gun.

  6. Cute, but I have always heard "if you shoot someone with a .25, you are likely
    to piss him off".

  7. I'm sure you meant Col., not Cpl. Well, Ltc. to be precise. I know, typos are SO unfair. Love that quote.

  8. My dad had a radio repair shop in the early 50s. He had bought a .25 for my mom for protection, but she had no interest in it. He had it in his shop and the local dog catcher had come in and saw it. Bought off him.

    The dog catcher returned a few days later all mauled up trying to return it.

  9. For those times when you can't carry a gun.

  10. I like the Colt Jr. in .25 auto. It has an exposed hammer. Good boot gun to me....

  11. Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket

  12. Gotta remember that when that pistol came out,and well into the twenties it would have been so de classe for a woman to carry a leather haversack that is fashionable today. The purses today will hold a Colt Python without making a bulge. During those days, a lady carried a clutch purse, in which a Colt 25 fit very nicely. All she had was a lipstick, a very thin cigarette case and and Mr Browning. In Europe they went even further and made due with a 4 mm Lilliput.

    1. Ladies sometimes referred to these as a "Get off me gun."

  13. See, Cooper said some dumb stuff too.

  14. I have an older colt 25 never fire current rounds in them

  15. Let's try a little experiment. All of y'all who think the little 25 is a joke and worthless, please stand up.

    Good, good, glad to see you guys. Now, remain standing if you volunteer to be shot with one.

    Hey! Where'd you all go??????

  16. The 25ACP was always a smokeless cartridge. The ammo today is the same as in 1908. Has to be the same or the gun will not function properly

  17. That is the definition of an eye, ear, nose, and throat handgun.

    Steve Y.

  18. They're terrific guns if you're fine with only bruising people. The .25ACP is the ultimate "less lethal" pistol. If they're wearing a heavy parka, they may not even notice.
