Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Why would owning a raccoon be illegal?



  1. They are often rabid and difficult to handle by veterinarians.

    1. Wild ones, perhaps.
      Raise 'em from Kits and they are pretty good pets.

  2. had one, she chewed a hole in the underside of the couch and by God, she lived there.

  3. When kids friend of oldest brother had one, sister lost a finger why would you. My cousins had a pet skunk in the house, they were deep rural rednecks though.

  4. Two words and one link:

    Raccoon roundworms

    1. You beat me to it. Raccoon roundworms are real bad news.

    2. Ugh
      "In humans, embryonated eggs are ingested, the eggs hatch, and the larvae undergo random migration along the skin and through the viscera. The parasite commonly migrates to the eyes and the brain......

      In humans, pathological lesions observed consist of skin irritations (cutaneous larval migrans) and eye and brain tissue damage (visceral larval migrans) due to the random migration of the larvae. The affected individuals may experience nausea, a lethargic feeling, incoordination, and loss of eyesight.

      Fun as pets, though. Just ask Ellie May.

  5. Dang it! Now I have to mov.

  6. In the rest of the states, the raccoons own you.

  7. It’s legal to own one in Indiana. That explains a lot about Parks and Rec.

  8. You can own a coon in some places but you have to buy them a new set of tennis shoes once a year.

  9. They're wild animals, leave them alone. If you raise it from a kit and it becomes acclimated to humans it will never be able to return to the wild.

    1. Said the stone age Karen when the first wolf was adopted and became the forerunner of dogs, and a bunch of other other Karens when the first wild cattle, goats et endless cetera were domesticated.

  10. The whole subject is retarded.
    That karens, with or without ballz, gets to dictate what someone else possesses.
    The burnoff will be glorious.

  11. My brother had a raccoon, damn thing learned to open the refrigerator & get to the eggs & drop them on the floor. Mom didn't like that.It disappeared one day. We had the weirdest pot roast that night.

  12. It's illegal because trash pandas are generally considered feral predatory varmints that carry rabies. Equally unwelcome by residents in town, or in rural areas.
    The roundworms are just an added bonus reason.

    The scene in The Devil's Brigade comes to mind:
    "Don't you have rattlesnakes in Canada, Major?"
    "Oh. Yes. But we don't keep them as pets."
