Sunday, April 2, 2023

Surf Busting



  1. As the Coasties say, "You have to go out, but no one said you have to come back."

  2. That's my beach! I cross the Newport Bay Bridge every workday at daylight, and the Coasties are usually out on the bar already. Another one of those, "Would have, Should have, could have, things.

    1. I don't want to be anonymous. That's My Beach. Spent more than half of my life within ten miles of there.

  3. Worked with them off the New Jersey coast in March a few decades ago. 6 Meter Rigid Hulls. Went out on a few late night/early morning searches. Learned a lot. Those guys carry around some of the biggest brass balls...Truth.

    1. Where nj? I did time around Atlantic City

    2. Beach Haven if I remember correctly. We did pull a day of liberty in Atlantic City by taking one of our rigid hulls down the ICW. Tied up at or near Trump's hotel.

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  6. Proud Coasty here! 26 years with 18 at sea! Served on many cutters and stations, It was an Incredible experience! It was very tough at times but well worth it!
    Its been 15 years since I retired on April Fool's Day 2008! Semper Paratus !!!

  7. After tide changes, there's a two or three hump standing wave that develops near the mouth of the river, at its exit into the Atlantic, in my neck of the woods. The local Coast Guard Station is a couple miles upriver. I've seen boats like the one pictured almost skipping off the tops of the standing waves at full throttle there several times when I was there fishing.


  8. My company builds the comms for all their ships.
