Monday, April 17, 2023

Nothing my 454 Casull couldn't handle



  1. Well, I suppose that's true - but then, it's been dead for a few million years too, so there's that.....

    1. According to the image it existed until 11,000 years ago. Unless I'm missing or misreading something.

  2. A 22LR will do just fine, ask Bella Twin. Nothing replaces shot placement…

    1. Yeah...put it just behind your ear, and squeeze gently just before the jaws close around you, and you won't feel a thing.
      .50BMG wouldn't be too much gun for that bear.

  3. Twenty years ago back when I was in good shape a buddy hands me his 454 Casull at the range. I had just put up my 44 Mag. With the 454 Casull all it took was one shot. I said Nope and handed the gun back.

  4. Visiting the Freedom Arms factory quite a few years ago I was chatting with Bob Baker about his full mount Brown Bear in the lobby. He stated he had emptied his first revolver (5 rounds) and had two shots into it from his backup before it stopped. So yeah, a 454 might handle a Cave Bear - or it might not.

    I load mine with 250 gn LC bullets and 14 gn of Unique for range fun and it's about like a 44. 240's and 36 gn H110 is the FA factory load and it will wake the dead.

  5. When they were up on their hind legs they often stood 9 ft tall. Paws bigger than a dinner plate. As the glacier slowly melted it's way North, the best weapon your local ancestors could muster was a stone tipped stabbing spear. We were not the apex predator.

    1. Given the bear went extinct AFTER man showed up on the continent may indicate we were a damn good predator.

  6. I would surmise that when someone bumped into one of those, and got all torn up, that was the origin of the term "getting short-faced".
    Which has been modified over time to its current usage, still roughly equivalent.

    That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
