Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Keep the riff raff out of your stuff



  1. Still the easiest padlock to pick on the market.

    1. I was going to say, "have you ever heard of the lock picking lawyer"? ;-)

  2. Padlocks are obsolete. The advent of the battery powered abrasive grinder with a cutoff wheel makes them nearly useless.

    1. I keep my angle grinder inside my gun safe for precisely this reason. If you're going to cut into it, you're going to have to bring your own.

      LockPickingLawyer on padlocks....


  3. A padlock is easily opened with a hammer. Have done it many times.

  4. The padlock is doing it's part to keep honest people honest.

  5. WOW! My first reaction was: how long before the first person to remark, pft, easy to pick, yada, yada, yada
    WOW only one person with a positive remark. The rest brandishing their schmarts!!!!!

  6. Yep, we's got schmarts! Fact is, you can do better than Master, for not a whole lot more money. And a padlock isn't 100% useless. Remember, "The perfect is the enemy of the good", and often "good enough" can work well enough. Home security is an example. You can't make your house completely burglar-proof, but you can do some things to make it sufficiently more difficult that at least some crooks will move on to another house.

    But yeah, go with Asus, or a brand of equal or better quality.
    - Mr. Mayo

  7. Yeah, you can do better than Master, but only by spending 100x the price.
    If you want to see how bad EVERY lockmaker is, watch ANY of The Lockpicking Laywer's videos on youtube. If you're brave, search his channel for the lock you use.

  8. If it's worth protecting get the type of lock that shields the loop from being cut.

  9. I have that exact lock - bought a pack of 4 with matching keys. The rubberized shell will get sun damaged within a year of being outdoors and get gummy and cruddy. Every time I have touch it to unlock my gate, my hands have melted rubber on them. Wish I had bought something that was 100% metal exterior instead. Otherwise, yup, keeping honest people honest.
