Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Family with cozy house, Florida



  1. The 50s were the best times for families. Somebody here will tell us how horrible they were.

    1. Can't vouch for the 50's, but I can for the 60's up thru 2006. We lived in a house similar to that, wrought iron porch posts, in the early 80's when we first got married. The people that say that time period was not the best are constant complainers and liars. A solid punch in the face is the only salvation from their internal misery.

  2. I could not be happier for that family, and more sad for the present.

  3. That fence is to keep out alligators.

    1. Agreed. FYI, all shopping centers, condos, apts, etc. have to have stormwater retention ponds. Here in the SC Lowcountry, they're referred to as "alligator retention ponds". And they're fenced...but that doesn't work very well.

  4. In the day this was considered "middle class". Sometimes I think we have inflated the definition of middle class a lot. People today look down on a simple house like this. Maybe if we simplified our life styles little we would all be a lot happier

    1. "simplify our lifestyles" = restrict our freedoms, usually by government diktat.
      No thanks.

    2. screw government, we need to simplify our lives in spite of government, gov wants us spending like mad and chasing rainbows and unicorns so they can collect more taxes. Forget about the "Joneses" and be happy. McMansions don't make you happy. There is a lot of room between them and a trailer to build a good home and settle in and be content.

  5. I agree for most life was arguably better then than it is now. One thng I did notice is the woman doesnt have a particularly happy look on her face....looks like she is about ready to bite an alligator.......

    1. Her and husband just need to get something straight between them,

  6. Nice little 2 bedroom with a HUGE television antenna and a yard that today would fit four houses just like it.
