Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Your wallets, please.



  1. Now it's called income taxes.

    Bear Claw

  2. Replies
    1. Charlie Russell and Frederick Remington, the two greatest. My Dad said Russell generally painted his horses healthier looking, Remington more realistic based on the times of their era.

      Cowboy Hall of Fame was my daycare center I had free reign. Mom was a docent before I started school.

      Bear Claw

  3. The TSA looking for over size tubes of toothpaste. (FYI; the TSA was supposed to stop terrorists but the have NEVER caught a single one in over 20 years. Your taxes at work.)

    1. TSA is a joke. If the jihad wanted to shutdown air traffic again with lots of casualties what better place than the TSA line now. And when they take your oversized toothpaste away - because it might be a bomb - they put it in a nearby can with all the other potential bombs.

      Our enemies laugh at us.

  4. I count 7 passengers from a 4 person stage. Sitting on somebody's lap?

    1. They squeezed three abreast on the bench seats and one sat on the floor.
      Haven't you ever seen the first remake of 'Stagecoach' (1966)? It's a great movie.

    2. As Elmo noted, they were 6-passenger stagecoaches.
      And the Chinese coolie (the one with the pistol in his face) would have ridden on the roof or in the boot; no one would have let them into the coach proper.

  5. The purpose of TSA was to accustom Americans to doing whatever they’re told, no matter how obviously pointless and outrageous. Judging by the public’s response to the forced lockdowns, masking, social distancing and vaxing, TSA’s mission was accomplished.

  6. The first known stage robbery, led by Tom Bell.
    Hung when he was 26 years old.

  7. @Elmo
    Hanged. "Hanged" means "put to death by suspension from the neck."
    Hung. "Hung" means "suspended from above" such as a picture frame.
    Dan Kurt

  8. Was that called "Carriage Jacked"?

  9. He's the dandy highwayman they're too scared to mention...

  10. looks like they emptied the Clown Coach

  11. The highwayman's name was Big Nose George. After he was lynched in Rawlins, Wyoming in 1881, some of his skin was made into a pair of shoes and a portion of his skull into an ash tray.

  12. “Bail up, your money or your life!” Stagecoach (mostly Cobb & Co.) and Royal Mail robberies were a real problem in each of the Crown colonies in Australia during the 19th century. The bushrangers did a roaring trade, especially during the gold rushes. Each colony had troopers, or ‘traps’, but police in Queensland, dedicated to hunting them down. The bushranger was generally home-grown, but some early ones were escaped convicts, and a very few were Aborigines.
