Friday, March 10, 2023

Missile Dog



  1. that is gold medal form!!!

  2. I always thought one of the best names for a skunk dog is Rocket, and this guy/girl sure fills that bill.

    I always marveled at the speed and athleticism of my best little cow dog Terry. Half Border Collie, half Kelpie. It's kind of a miracle I didn't crash the Honda Rancher I rode while watching her do her thing. Absolutely amazing. I'm very thankful I had the pleasure of her company for over 15 years, even though her quirks probably destroyed a few thousand dollars worth of my personal property, which I can laugh about today.
    Love you, Terry.

  3. Some dogs are pure athletes. All the GSPs I’ve had the privilege to be part of the pack so to speak are a prime example…

  4. Anyone remember Ashley Whippet?
