Sunday, March 5, 2023



Things I love about this

  • someone tried to ship a snapping turtle by mail
  • the turtle did not like being shipped by mail
  • “live harmless reptile”
  • her face
  • the turtle’s face


  1. People are the worst. Harmless ... Ha! People lose body parts to those critters.

  2. And my local postmistress Sue thinks she has it tough when I get a thirty pound package of linotype delivered. Poor baby.

    1. Where do you find linotype?

    2. eBay. My rule of thumb 10 years ago when I was buying was $2 a pound including shipping. Today the bargain rate is closer to $3.

    3. Or buy retail. $4 a pound, free shipping over 150 pounds.

  3. I have a idea. The guy who mailed turtle should be boxed and mailed.

  4. the quickness that a snapper can bite you is something truly amazing. unfortunately i know first hand.

    1. It's the length of the neck that will get you every time.
      In the past 30 years I have saved over 300 turtles that were on the highways and 2 of them have been snappers. One snapper was small and the other was about 30 lbs. They are covered in algae and very slippery and their toenails are razor. They also seem to be perpetually pissed off.

  5. c.50's, my uncle mail ordered a fancy grade Winchester double. Bragged on it all over his rural farm community. His pals got in cahoots with the postmistress to tip them off when it arrived- she did and they replaced the shotgun with half a brick and a BB gun.

    simpler times.

  6. On the other hand, they are good to eat.
    Interesting fact: the heart will keep beating up to a half hour after being dressed out; the head will bite you even after decapitated.

  7. I tried to save a snapper that was on the highway once. I don't know how much he weighed but his shell was about a foot in diameter. All I was going to do was scoot him off the road but he was having none of that. He whipped around faster than I expected. I didn't get bit, but I said "You're on your own, Bud." and left him there.

  8. KInda like when my parents tried to ship me a baby caymon from Florida in the seventies...
