Friday, April 1, 2022

Lenticular Cloud Over Shasta



  1. ACSL. Alto Cumulus Standing Lenticularis.

  2. Danger sign for all pilots. Turbulence ahead!

    1. I caught a powerful mountain wave flying around Shasta once. Severe clear sky, not a cloud to be seen, and I was cruising about 10,000 keeping what I thought was a cautious distance from the mountain. My little Wichita spam can (C-172) could not get as high as Shasta's peak of 14,000. Somewhere over Dunsmuir my VSI (vertical speed indicator) pegged in an updraft that was lifting me around 3000 feet per minute. A few seconds later, it pegged the opposite direction. I just kept the nose level and hoped to power out of it, which I did at about 7000 feet heading for Weed. I've had a healthy respect for "Mountains make their own weather" ever since.
