Sunday, April 24, 2022




  1. The GAU-8 Avenger.....the gun was built then they designed the plane around it.

  2. So you want a really serious ground support aircraft? No sweat G.I......

  3. My friend's father was involved in the design. He had one of the barrels in his basement back when we were kids. It was quite impressive.

  4. Warthogs are fearsome aircraft to enemy ground personnel and tanks. It is indeed amazing they were able to wrap an aircraft around that and actually make it fly.

    1. Engineers: “How pretty do you want the plane?”

    2. Engineers, how 'bout we make it a flying tank.

  5. I still remember seeing one fire on a tank range in west germany back in the late 1970's
    we fell in love with it ! it not often you see dusting coming out from BELOW the tank
    after 3 or more passes on the range, the targets out there no longer looked like tanks
    as a former grunt. we just loved the idea of it on call if need be.
    and they want to get rid of it too. they never saw one tear up a range before
    or in GW1 a row of tanks and trucks. if they did, they would want more of them.

  6. And yet, the Air Force did all that it could to kill the Warthog program.

    1. The A-10 was considered old technology where there were more Air Guard squadrons than active duty back in 1990. The active duty pilots resented the fact Air Guard A-10 pilots had a higher kill ratio than active duty A-10 pilots and much higher kill ratio than any other flying platform during Desert Storm.

  7. Just moved out of Tucson after living there for many years. Years ago, particularly in 2001, most days you would at least hear Warthogs flying around Davis-Monthan. I don’t know where they practiced gunnery (maybe over by Yuma?), but they seem fierce just flying at altitude. I would hate to see one low and angry.

    1. The gunnery range was on the north side of Sierra Vista, just east of Fort Huachuca.

  8. The Warthog is the embodiment of "form follows function!" was originally designed and built to counter the expected flood of soviet tanks which were going to come through the Fulda gap...thankfully, it was never needed for that, but it has sure proven itself over and over again...I love me the BRRRRRRRAP...!

    1. "the expected flood of soviet tanks which were going to come through the Fulda gap...thankfully, it was never needed for that, "

      With the way Putin is saber-rattling Russian tanks going through the Fulda gap may not be that remote a possibility.

  9. Saw the A-10 demo team do live fire at Cannon Range at Fort Leonard Wood. VERY impressive...!!

  10. odd factoid for you...gau-8 and m-61 cannons have close to the same rate of fire, and projectile speed at the muzzle that is almost identical. at four thousand feet range, the gau-8 projectile is much faster and retains much more energy than the twenty mm round does. which is why the thirty mm is prefered for plinking armor and revetments.

  11. Loaded those for 2 years, quite a hydraulic bath when they break

