Tuesday, April 26, 2022

A Double Solar Flare Just Triggered Radio Blackouts Over Asia And Australia

 The sunspot AR2993 erupted with two M1 flares in quick succession, according to spaceweather.com. Solar flares are eruptions of electromagnetic radiation; M-class flares are moderate-sized flares that can disrupt some radio frequencies and sometimes expose astronauts in space to higher-than-usual levels of radiation. 

It's been a busy few weeks for the Sun, with multiple active sunspots sending off flares. Solar activity occurs in regular 11-year cycles, which have been recorded since 1775. The Sun is currently in Solar Cycle 25 and is in a period of ramping up its activity.

Solar Cycle 25 is expected to peak in late 2024 or early 2025, meaning that the frequency of sunspots, solar flares and CMEs are expected to increase

I dunno, is it getting hotter in here??


  1. Well, according to AOC and her ilk we’ll all be dead in 5 years from climate change…the least she could do is place blame where it belongs, the sun.

  2. Putler's responsible for the sun spots.

  3. Damm that global warming.

  4. The Sun's been in a minimum, aye?! So... it's about hot damn time!

    No need to continue since you already know... Earth's axis shifting as it does and all that smooth ice-age jazz.
