Saturday, April 16, 2022

In 1958, Stirling Moss leaps in the cockpit and nails the Le Mans start in his Porsche 550 RS 



  1. Shame they dropped the line up and sprint to the cars, bigger shame it went to cable channel I don't have these last few years.

  2. You know a black female holds the all-time lap Le Mans record, rignt?
    Yep. In a car she designed and built.
    Another black female is the chief engineer for Porsche. She attained a black belt in martial arts at 13 and is a world class chess competitor. Her son is becoming a trans woman and expects to become pregnant this fall.
    The daughter of the black Chief of Police in Le Mans France (who's brother is the Head of Fire and Safety for the city) is married to a white Englishman who is a stay-at-home partner; he raises exotic orchids in the greenhouse she built for him.

    See what you miss when you don't watch TV?

    1. What are their names?

    2. They're also taking "Gullible" out of the dictionary because it means "Easily fooled" in Arabic

  3. Stirling Moss pulled over by a Cop for speeding in the UK...winds his window down...
    Cop: "who do you think you are, Stirling Moss?"
