Saturday, April 9, 2022

Find the Babe



  1. Just a little above dead center.

  2. By the looks of things in the photo maybe we're trying to spot George Herman Ruth.

  3. That is probably an orphanage and orphanages had a special place in the Babes heart being he was raised in one. It is also more than likely that he might’ve bought shoes for everyone of those boys as he was want to do since I had so very little. The Babe was a good man.

  4. Pitching softballs today huh?

  5. Sure. Babe Ruth was easy to spot. I thought you meant the girl... She's near the vehicle upper right. Left most vehicles. No hat. Bobbed haircut.

  6. I found three possible "babes".

    Babe Ruth, just a little above the center.

    A babe - above right near the two vehicles between the outstretched arms.

    A "babe" - what appears to be another, older girl, is seen just above the head of the kid in the first row, second from the left. The kid in the beanie looks like he might be looking at her.
