Monday, February 7, 2022

Just in case no one has heard this before...

 Goofball Canadian Leader Justin Trudeau is really the son of Fidel Castro.  Say some people.

Decide for yourself.  So crazy it's probably true.


  1. Anyone paying attention has figured out that TurdPew is the illegitimate spawn of Fidel.... and his "father" former PM Pierre Trudeau....another commie was cucked.

  2. " Margaret Trudeau described her scandal with the Rolling Stones in her 1979 autobiography Beyond Reason. She claims she ran into Ron Wood in a hotel corridor and he invited her to take pictures of the band at the El Mocambo. She says that the following day she looked after Keith Richards' son Marlon when Keith overdosed in the hotel, and later had the band over to "drink, play dice, smoke a little hash."

  3. Both of his parents were huge fans of Fidel and they were also friends. Right around the time of Justin's conception the Trudeaus were on a Caribbean vacation during which they visited several islands, one of which was oddly never named.
    For certification see the Wikipedia page of Justin's mother, Margaret. But the most obvious proof is to compare Justin's physical appearance to that of Fidel Castro and his supposed biological father Pierre.

  4. Q: Who said "Fidel Castro is the sexiest man alive"?
    A: Margaret Trudeau

    She also is rumored to have sweated up the sheets with, wait for it....

    Geraldo Rivera

  5. D-Bags one and all including Gerryraldope

  6. Justin looks nothing like Pierre. Fidel, on the other hand...

    1. He looks as much like Pierre as Ronin Farrow looks like Woody Allen.

    2. He looks as much like Pierre as Chelsea Clinton looks like Bill.

  7. Increasingly looking like he's also inherited certain preferred behavioral habits for dealing with political dissent.

  8. Margaret Trudeau told Hillary "Hold my beer."

  9. Hmm. Funny this would surface again at this p'ticular time, innit?

    (CW: hope this is appropriate for your blog)

    1. This is not recent. It is old news, very old news. I remember when it all went down. And yeah, his mom had a C-section to guarantee his birth on Christmas Day. I remember. Two of those boys were Christmas Cesareans. The photos abound of Mom and Pierre & Fidel adoring the baby, Maggie hanging on to Fidel like a proud Momma. Yeah, old news.
