Saturday, February 5, 2022

I've got wheat belly.



  1. Less eatin', more doin'.
    Seems easy, dudn't it?

  2. I put myself on a thing called The Specific Carbohydrate Diet for an entire year between '98 & '99. Zero carbs and zero polysaccharides. I effectively put my Crones into a remission that continues to this day but didn't lose any weight.

  3. I eat what I want to. Love pies cakes and cookies. Eat about 8 ounces or so of chocolate every evening. Bacon and eggs. Love fresh bread, can eat half the loaf with real butter and still eat dinner. I'm not overweight simply because my genetics. If you are overweight; it's your genetics. If you need to lose weight Most any diet will work the trick is to maintain it.

  4. I have Wheat Belly. It's still on my Kindle, though I read it when it first came out. That was before I retired so '15? '14?

    It's definitely a worthwhile read.

  5. Doc took me off gluten 2 years ago. Dropped 55 pounds since. I’m 6’ and 142#.

    1. Good God, have a sandwich every so often.

    2. I'm 6', and I was at 142# when Mr. Cancer had me halfway to the crematorium.

      So, yes, eat a sandwich, and wash it down with beer.

  6. Utter nonsense that has been debunked in every actual study.

    It "works" outside of clinical settings for people when they accidently cut calories by cutting carbs and nor replacing them with something else.

  7. Never been overweight (unless you count baby pics) I eat what I want. I eat when I'm hungry, I drink when I'm thirsty and I sleep when I'm tired. Working your ass off all your adult life has a way of keeping you fit. btw... retired journeyman lineman for two years now after 43 yrs in the trade. I still have a lot of work on the property to keep me busy. Get out of your house and do something fat asses. Get out of the lazy boy and do something. fyi... cuttin the grass or shoveling snow isn't something you get accolades for it's a chore. Quit being a frickin girly man and do your fuckin job.

  8. This book was part of my research before deciding to cut out wheat and, basically, grains in general, from my diet.
    I can confirm that a low carb, high animal fat diet worked very well for me. My goal did not start out to be weight loss but an overall improvement in health. My concern was visceral fat and possible inflammation potentially causing a slow increase in blood pressure that exercise no longer kept in a healthy range. I must admit that I still don't know whether my choice to nearly eliminate grains from my diet (which precludes virtually all processed foods) or severely limiting sugar was the most influential in weight loss and overall health improvement. I can say that my blood pressure is now always in the "normal range" and my weight has settled into a range within 5 pounds of my boot camp days. I'm 56 now and boot camp was way back in '88.
    I agree that genetics plays a huge role, what works for one may not work at all for another... But for me, my body feels so much "cleaner", I have more energy and have an overall feeling of health that I had lost over the years eating the "normal" high grain, low fat diet from the so called food pyramid.
    It does take some effort to eat like this, but, for me at least, I would say that it continues to be worth the effort. I have become a believer that the fuel we put into our bodies is fundamental to better health.
    Give the book a read with an open mind. Good luck and best wishes!

  9. How long has man been eating wheat/grain as a daily staple? I did a quick search and it looks like wheat has been domesticated for 10,000 years. About when the last ice age ended...
    And now it's bad for you....
