Saturday, February 12, 2022

After the American Civil War some of the confederates moved to Brazil in 1866 and found a village that later would name the city of Americana. Their descedants still celebrate annually with the "Festa Confederada"



  1. I bet they don't have a problem with the confederate flag.

  2. Yea and stay the f**k down there traitor losers. Undefeated my ass.

    1. They are descendants of people who lost the war, as much traitors as we are to the British. Those people are dead, and everyone who ever met any of them are dead, so lighten up.

    2. And "the Undeafted" was a movie.

    3. Yea Mark just like Germans today that dress up like Nazi's and fly the Nazi flag, just descendants eh? Ride with traitors, die with traitors.

    4. I know it was a movie, a movie about traitors.

  3. Theones who went to Mexico didn't work out. But thousands, perhaps even tens of thousands went to Brazil, which recruited them. They helped end slavery there and even established some of the first schools for the former slaves.

    Since they were not Catholic, they didn't just build their own towns, but their own cemetaries. To this day, those cemeteries are where they gather for annual dances and social events. And many keep in touch with their cousins in America.

  4. The first thing that modern Southerners did wrong was allow the left to define the Stars and Bars as representing slavery. There was so much more to the Civil War than that. Slavery was, and still is, totally abhorrent, but if it were not for slavery, the American african population would be much lower than it is today. That fact is likely racist, but it is true.

  5. My what a cheerful ray of sunshine you are. Crap like yours perpetuates hate and division, but that's your calling, isn't it?

    1. That was for Vector Warbirds, not the rest of you. And, I had kin fought and died on both sides. Lest we forget.

  6. The debt for US slavery has been paid in blood.

  7. Go easy on Vector Warbirds! When Mommy brought his dinner tray down to the basement, she hadn't cut the crusts off his sandwiches, and it hurt his widdle gums. He's pouting now.
