Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Who knows what this is, and can operate it?



  1. Boy does that evoke some memories. I can't remember if it took nickels or quarters.

  2. That is a table music box, 25cents to play 1 to 3 songs I believe.

  3. Yup, grew up with these in nearly every diner I ever ate in.

  4. Hell, Back in the 1950s and 60s I played one of these bad boys in a drunken stupor at 3 AM in various North NJ diners hundreds of times and never missed the coin slot once.

  5. Those were in the popular hangout in a nearby town when I was but a tad. Problem was, by the time the song you paid for got played, you were done eating and out the door.

  6. 1 for a dime, 3 for a quarter.....

  7. "Please Mr. please, don't play B-17" Sappy song but I think about it whenever I see a juke box.

  8. wish cafes would bring them back. definitely cool.

  9. In high school, at Frisch's, we used to play a stupid game. We'd pick a number at random and say "under the sheets" after the title. I guess it doesn't beat watching trash on tik-tok but made the girls giggle.
