Sunday, June 27, 2021

Spectator stupidly Causes Entire Peloton To Crash At Tour de France

This is a case for Inspector Clouseau!


  1. I can see a fine, but prison time seems excessive. It's not like this was done with malice aforethought, nor that she's likely to repeat the offense.

    1. Malice aforethought is only relevant in murder in the US, where it's an element of the crime. She violated a French law and it put people in the hospital. An example needs to be made. I'm sure she didn't intend to cause injury, but she did intend to put that sign out into the line of traffic, with her face to the camera so her grandparents could see her. Jail time will be imposed, if they find her.

    2. I didn't think "malice aforethought" had an actual legal meaning. I was using in the sense of "knowingly breaking the law". I think she was just an idiot.

      Not my circus, not my monkeys.

  2. Requiring malice aforethought is not required for every criminal offense.

    Sending her to jail for a few days will help her focus on her stupid behavior, as well as being an object lesson for others.

    1. Her stupid behavior? What about all those fucktards in spandex gumming up the road?

    2. "Fucktards" were likely covered by a permit to gum up the road.

  3. That's the funniest thing I've seen today.

    1. Allez: Q-Anon for McAffe didn't kill himself!

  4. Is it just me or do you all hear "Yakkity-Sax" too?

    And, really, duh, first off, the riders should have been watching for people, as this is not the first time this has happened. Maybe the most spectacular, but not the first time.

    Second, gee, where are all the other people telling the fan to get the hell out of the road? No 'social' responsibility in France?

    Still, as a car driver in a city of spandex-nazis, there's a part of me that is enjoying this...

    1. The Tour de France is one of the world's great sporting events. It inspires people to take up cycling, a good thing I think. However when those cyclists Critically Mass (pun intended) as they have in San Francisco for example, they make it hard on everyone else especially people who are just trying to commute home. That's rude and inconsiderate, and it reflects poorly on all cyclists.
      I have been to see Le Tour and the access the fans enjoy is unlike anything seen here in America. The mistake that Tifosi made was consistent with those made in other tours by overzealous fans. It will happen again because you can't make a law against poor judgement. There is no family in France feeling more regret than hers right now. I'd go easy on her right now and let the Gendarmeries do their job.

  5. Lance Armstrong didn't get any prison time.

  6. They've been warned: six feet or however many meters in social distancing and at least fourteen masks.

  7. Profound stupidity. People who don't think through the consequences of their actions, no matter how innocent or benign it seems at first, should be sterilized so they don't pass that shit onto future generations.

  8. What was this person trying to say with her sign anyway?

    1. "Bicycle racing causes climate change" Fish. Hell everything else does so why not.

    2. Signs that read 'Allez' (Go) are usually written to encourage a favorite rider, with their name following allez. This one read 'Aleez Opi Omi!' as a greeting to her grandparents who were watching the program.

      Hopefully Grams and Gramps are smarter than their grandaughter.

  9. Getting your face on TVFaceYouTok is all that matters to some pretty dumb people. Earlier this weekend I watched some moron narrate himself riding his motorcycle doing stupid stuff in traffic, and then of course, blaming the car drivers when things got scary.

  10. Maybe if a 1/8th inch thick piece of cardboard can demolish an entire field of competitors, it’s not a real sport?

    1. That's what I was thinking.
      The pussy acts like she smacked him with a 4x6.

    2. He hit her arms. The pussy then got up and finished the race.

    3. You don’t seem to understand that after the first rider went down the others were taken out by fallen riders, not the sign.

      Here is a cyclist, hit by a car thrown through a barbed wire fence who breaks a concrete fence post. He finished the race.

  11. I can't help it.
    I laughed almost as hard as when I saw this:

  12. I used to ride. Still have my bike and need to get back on it. I also watch the TDF. Those guys are some of the toughest athletes out there. One guy in the wreck broke bones in both elbows and finished the race. It is the only sport that allows fans to get that close. The stupid woman had a 5 or 6 foot wide board sign, saw the camera with the racers approaching and turned to get on camera. They were nearing the acceleration point to run to the finish so were side to side no room to maneuver. 2000+ miles over 21 days with only 2 rest days. Seen many crazy things in the 20 years I have watched.
