Thursday, December 10, 2020

There are four deer in this image (embiggen to find them)



  1. Funny how they can disappear in plain sight innit? 1 reclining to the right of the pole, 2 reclining to the left of it. 1 standing top l/center. All have eyes on the viewer.

  2. GOTTEM ALL four bedded way in the back.

  3. It took me about a minute, but I found all four. And that's when they're not even trying to hide! I found a buck scrape under a tree about 40 yards from the house yesterday - and not once did I see the buck working that area over the past couple of weeks. They can be ghostly when they want to be.

  4. I saw 3 before the deer on over-watch shot me. ;-)

  5. We have lots of muntjac deer here in England. A few years ago I was sawing a piece of ash (bow saw) when I heard a rustling behind me. I turned at the same time the munty looked up at me. It had found some spring buds so irresistible that it didn't notice me. My second thought was, boy there's some meat on that tush.

  6. I swear Deer and Squirrels can morph back and forth. I've watched so many change into the other, just by taking my eyes off of them for a minute!

    Dave: I have 7 rubs in 30 yards outside my garden gate. Same big buck started a scrape under one of my Ironwoods before I blew the leaves off the back yard. He's a monster 10 pointer who I saw as a 7 last year. He only comes out at night. Just 5 miles from Dulles Airport.

  7. besides the deer, I found the mess kit spoon, 1911 magazine and GI cleaning rod - oh wait, that was in another KIMS training exercise ...

  8. Deer - rats with long legs and hooves. My folks in WV couldn't keep a garden with the sheer number of them around the house.
