Thursday, December 31, 2020

The artwork matches the trailer (note the two flat tires)



  1. If it moves, salute it. If it stands still, paint it. I'm thinking it falls into the later category.

  2. I believe that trailer is a Silver Streak, or one its siblings (Streamline and another I cannot recall). I had 2 of them a 1978 29' that came with a piece of Lake Superior shore property on the eastern Ontario shore which had been sitting in the woods for 8 or so years when I dragged it back to MI and made it roadworthy. I later bought a 34 or 35' model in much nicer condition in Sierra Vista AZ. They were not as pretty as an Airstream (of which I have had 2 and still own one) but they were well made. The aluminum appeared to be anodized and could be improved by treating with a mix of mineral oil and alcohol. A lot of work......
