Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Resistance Gathers...

 First in Nashville, where a business went to the trouble to manufacture and install this on their front door.

Then, in good ol' Stockton, CA., the state, seeking to oppress a small business in that town, found out to their dismay, I'm sure, that the local authorities would not help them.  This includes the local DA, who will not prosecute.

Pomp Hair Salon in Stockton California was raided by state officials who cited the salon for continuing operations [media story here].  The subsequent misdemeanor citation comes from the state.  However, local law enforcement and county prosecution say they will not participate in the enforcement mechanism.

This creates an unusual dynamic as the state has threatened to revoke licenses for the salon and the workers; but what “enforcement” action could the state undertake?

It is so much easier to enforce the law on people who are natural law abiders.  Enforced on people who habitually pay the taxes and professional fees that fund the pensions these police enjoy.

The rock solid pillars of the community, and indeed the state itself.

  Already many local police entities, recognizing this dynamic, are, like here, refusing to obey, but the authorities more distant from the daily life we all lead are still attempting to enforce compliance. But the day will come, if the idiot politicians have their way, when folk like those you see here, and that includes this policeman, turn and bite back, and when that day comes...


  1. Maybe Newsom's gestapo should go after the thousands of the law-breakers who are the real threats to public health like the people who poop, pee and inject illegal drugs on the streets in various Democrat run cities.

    1. They;re not a threat to The Party. People no obeying orders are.

  2. Good to see the clientèle with their iPhones out. The Brownshirts haven't won yet.

    1. Be a better response if those phones were fuckin rifles... Fuck "just following orders".

  3. I recall an essay on "Middle Class Anarchy" back when the housing bubble burst. Who has the actual paperwork? Show me the paperwork for what it is you claim I owe.

    This is not going to end well - regardless.

  4. Also thinking, that this is true Civil Disobedience: ignoring laws and edicts one considers unjust, immoral, or illegal.

  5. Interesting to us 'Commies' that you don't rail against seat belt laws, no shirt, no shoes, no service signs, and the thousands of other regulations that are put in place to protect your fellow citizens? Hypocrites one and all.

    1. How does a shirt protect our fellow citizens? I'm curious and you sound like you'd know.

    2. Actually, some of us do complain about those laws--those who believe in personal liberty.
      On my motorcycles, I always wear safety gear, including a helmet. I don't believe, however, that the state has any right to mandate such use.

    3. Why cannot VectorWarbirds perceive any difference between a rule a local business creates and one a local business is strong-armed into using?

      Or not understanding how having the state actors shut your business down for not, (say) forcing customers to wear a yellow star inside--even as the same state turns a blind eye to the freicorps smashing store windows, burning and looting--might cause ill a will.


    4. Suck a dick, bolshie vermin.

  6. Dream of the day I see this, will go in and buy whatever they are selling

  7. Gee, just like when CA & other Demopoli refuse to cooperate with ICE?
    Too fucking bad, I say.

  8. "... the thousands of other regulations..."
    I think I see the problem here...

  9. Notice how now we have a "vaccine" for the 1st type of COVID, a new one that is "more contagious" has appeared. Never once, in the history of the world, has a government ever given back power they have claimed for themselves.

    With regards to churches, I read from my handy desktop Constitution of the United States of America...Amendment One...Numero Uno, The very first words, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." If Congress cannot do it...what makes states think they have the power to tell churches they cannot do anything?

    What the hell is becoming of our country that it takes such crazy steps over a virus that has a 99.6% survival rate?

    Rant over.

  10. The stupidity of those who do not wear masks in a pandemic.
    I hope they do not join the 200,000 dead in the USA from this virus.

    1. Are they? Let's consult with our scientific and political leaders on that question, shall we?




      Just a taste. Compare Face coverings with what people in a hospital have to wear - they look like astronauts.

      Further, states with strict lockdowns when compared to those without show not much difference between infections per million.



    2. Doomers are boring and predictable in their mewling fearful response to spoonfed leftist propaganda. Do continue, doomer...
