Thursday, December 17, 2020

Now that's lazy



  1. ... and stupid! Whats the plan when the fire begins 'walking' down the log? Wood looks damp, guess they can't close the firebox doors.

  2. Just keep feedin' it in, and don't fall asleep.

  3. They must have seen vids of rocket stoves on YT, and thought, "Cool! That'll work really well in our living room!" There's a reason rocket stoves are only used outside or in workshops. . .

  4. That's not an 'All Nighter', that's an 'All Weekender'.

  5. I was under the impression that this was not uncommon (but from the external aspect of the house where the firebox was open to the outside) in New Zealand and/or Australia

  6. I'd be worried about the amount of livestock migrating away from the heat. There are already enough critters in my house. Besides, I'd really enjoy setting wedges into the split then sawing smaller lengths. I'm lazy but like a challenge.
