Monday, December 21, 2020

Not a good day for that guy



  1. I bet he avoids cactus in the future no matter what. I had to pull one of those off the face of my dog before. Not easy.

  2. My buddy dumped a dirt bike into a prickly pear bed. He wasn't as bad as this guy, but bad enough. The doctor got a bottle of yellow carpenters glue and slathered it, carefully, over the spines and let it dry, then he removed 90 percent of the spines with the dried glue. Serious pain killers were involved. Makes me shiver just to think.

  3. So, city boy, your first time in the desert?

  4. Golfer, what do you expect. Effn stupid city boy.

  5. Poster boy for dumb assery...

  6. If you have never lived in the desert you should not criticize this guy, this guy is probably not a desert native. This type of cactus breaks off with the slightest of touch, if you have a couple of tines stuck in you it breaks off swings down and stabs you with the full length of the broke off piece. Arizona golf courses have roaming rangers equipped with leatherman's just for this reason. Tines are so sharp they went thru my leather golf shoes with ease. If you lose a ball out in the rough, f#ck it, drop another ball, take the penalty.

  7. Welcome to Arizona, home of the cholla.

  8. I brushed against some once and had two stuck to my pants & in my leg. I needed plyers to pull the barbed thorns out of my leg.

  9. They don't call it "jumpin' cactus" for grins and giggles.

  10. We called them Jesus Bushes at fort Carson because the was the first thing you said when they attacked especially on night patrols. I tried to pull one off me and it went through 4 layers of a doubled up glove before I got it off.

  11. Obviously not a bunch of native Arizonans, not a long handled pocket comb or a pair of pliers in sight.

    1. The comb is the secret weapon, otherwise you look like Wile E. Coyote playing with glue.
