Sunday, November 1, 2020

Yes, give us more P-51's



  1. Nerves of steel. I wouldn't go on a strafing run with drop tanks.

    I think it was some of the C models when they began the bubble canopy.

  2. "into which it ran". Yes! The sentence wasn't ended with a preposition!

    Ah, for the good old days, when people wrote grammatically!

  3. A P-47 would have been more effective for that ground straffing...

    1. Yes, they were, or I wouldn't be here. Thank you, P&W, and RIP, Dad.

  4. latest issue of sport aviation has a nice article on the P-51H. 600lbs lighter then the D, faster, longer ranged and able to climb like a batoutofhell. rare. 550 built. packard merlin engine. first time I saw one these, I thought something was wrong with it. Is it really a mustang? the vertical stabilizer and the radiator scoop have a very different profile. what a machine!
