Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Massive storage in a small, affordable package



  1. I am at this very moment using a PC I built myself around a Ryzen gen 2 2600 cpu that has a Samsung 1TB SDD about the size of a credit card and I can add another one.

  2. I got a 1 terabyte Seagate external HD I back up on. Works great.

    1. I've been using (2) of the Seagate 2TB USB 3.0 portable drives for the same purpose for about 3 years now with no problems. Never more shall I suffer the fate of a crashed HD. (I know, I know - never say never...)

  3. As a 30+ year IT guy, a friend used to say, "Anyone can back up. An expert can restore."

    I use a repurposed spare system with 3x2Tb drives running FreeNAS as my whole house backup system.

    If you want portable, they now make a 2Tb thumb drive that is half the cost of the round, brown and spinning drive and it won't be subject to damage by magnets or G shock loads.


    1. 2TB on a thumb drive for $40! Wow!! I just ordered one. Thanks!!

    2. It appears to have issues - read the reviews. I've been using a Kingston 128GB 3.0 for a couple years to transfer vid files and it has worked good. Funny, the amazon link from my ordered list shows a 32GB rather than the 128 I bought.

  4. Wow, you could put millions of illegal votes in that thing!

  5. What I really want is a Wifi 4T drive that can use to back up the files from all the PC's and use as a central storage unit without needing to be connected through a PC.
