Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Is that Ming the Merciless in the bottom right corner?



  1. I got my DVD of this film in the hopper for next weekend. I remember as a young fella me and my friends went to the local movie house every Saturday and they showed one 30 minute episode of Flash on Mongo between several Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig cartoons and the main feature.

    1. There's a bunch of vintage Flash Gordon serials on YouTube. I always got a kick out of the space ship cruising thru space with the sparks falling straight down from the back end...

    2. Remember when going to the movies was fun? And cheap? The last time I went was a long time ago, saw U571 and probably will never go again.

    3. The problem with going to a movie nowadays is that people no longer know how to act in public. Numerous kids texting on phones, holding conversations out loud, shouting their oh-so-hilarious comments at the screen. Nope, wife and I are happy watching movies at home.

  2. Yes, that be Ming!

  3. Sure is. Also known as Ming the ever living.

  4. Finally! An honest headline! Sure beats the crud being posted by the JMSM.

  5. Ming The Merciless, aka Charles Middleton
