Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Cotton all rolled up after being harvested in Arizona - Industrial Ag at its finest



  1. Looks like giant liverwursts...jus' sayin'

  2. Four billion angry tampons, coiled and ready to strike.

  3. And not one slave in sight. That's racial progress thanks to modern technology.

  4. I used to "tromp" cotton in the old wooden trailers. Good money for basketball prep. Went from a bale per trailer to 3 bales per trailer. Nothing like running in place for hours on end while a cold front blows through....

  5. Round this part of Texas, and south thru to the coast, we mostly haul it in 18 wheeler trailers. BIG bales. STxAR, I would rather tromp cotton than load 100 lb bales of hay in the summer. Neither one's much fun.

    1. Jeb, we grew up the same. Summer money was throwing hay. And green alfalfa was the heaviest. Until that snake got stuffed in one, flopped on my shoulder as I was lifting it up. I threw it across to the other side of the trailer. That still gives me the willies...

  6. The "bigger elephant" in the room that may be missed in this photograph: Growing Cotton in Arizona is not sustainable, it requires heavy water irrigation.
