Saturday, October 24, 2020

Saturday Morning 1911



  1. I like my wood grips, tried Pachmar and didn't like them on it. Wonder what that star grip feels like.

  2. A serviceable looking 1911 (grips suspicious) and I love the "
    We The People", but...........Isn't that Russian steel case ammo...??

    Friend of mine was practicing for his concealed carry here in Texas with his newly bought Sig P-220 and he had bought 5 boxes of Wolf for practice that looked like the above FMJ.

    Every 3rd or 4th one would hand or misfeed...........Had to loan him a couple boxes of my Winchester White box....

    1. Commie ammo goes in Commie guns. Merican ammo goes in Merican guns.

    2. Blazer makes a steel case 45acp (might be aluminum-can't remember for sure).
      I haven't used much of it because you can't reload it, but IIRC, the few boxes that I did try ran fine.

  3. The steel cases could also be old WWII era. I have some .45acp ammo, steel case, headstamp 42.

  4. I failed to mention that my friend with the Sig 220, left the Marine Corp with the rank of Captain after being at the tip of the spear going into Kuwait.

    This Wolf ammo experience did happen 10-12 years ago and we had similar feed/extraction problems in both my 1911 and FN that day.

    The Winchester and Federal Hydroshock on the other hand worked well in all three pieces for both of us.

  5. Love the 1911.... not so hot for the steel-case ammo.

  6. It simply speaks to "Freedom".

  7. Yes, but the ammo works very well visually for the photo. A bit of graphic-artist license here.

    The SIG WTP 1911 is a great pistol and yes, the star grip is quite comfortable. There is enough texture to hold your hand, but it isn't sharp so doesn't dig into your skin. Standard ambidextrous safety, standard SIGLite tritium sights - the big dots on these are much better than the tiny ones on the SIG X-ray sights. For pocket concealment, there is also a WTP version of the 938.
