Wednesday, October 2, 2019

What's wrong with this logic?

If for example, America only allowed males to vote, the political center would be somewhere to the right of Ted Cruz. If whites were the only vote, something similar would result. The argument from those very bad people who make such arguments is that we have 30% of the population not built to operate a Western style democracy. As a result, the system must fail.
Whatever truth there is to that, the reason for those conditions, for stupid people getting the vote and foreign people imported to vote, is the bourgeois political class, supposedly operating from middle-class sensibilities, made that choice. The decision to expand ballot access was not done by the king or the oligarchy. That was the work of middle-class people supporting members of their class in political office. The same can be said of open borders, where bourgeois demands for cheap labor rule the day.
The fact is, a precondition for a middle-class is an elite that will impose order and discipline that allows for the growth of a middle-class. The bourgeois was never intended to rule, rather they were built to serve. Put them in charge and you get what one would expect by putting the inmates in charge of the asylum. The resulting bedlam always requires a strong hand to restore order. This is why authoritarianism always seems to follow every foolish experiment with democratic rule.


  1. The conclusion of this article is incorrect. It is based on a critique of democracy which simply doesn’t fit the facts.

    The masses did not vote to enact replacement level migration, it was forced upon them by the elite.

    1. "forced", but initially using stealth. Like gently inserting the 20 inch probe in an inch a day until there's 4 inches left and then ramming the rest home in a heartbeat.

  2. The ugly reality is that humanity is not functionally capable of self rule under most circumstances. The period when America was founded was a rare and unique set of circumstances. America was remote, far from the rest of the world. The population was small AND fairly well educated for that time. It was homogeneous....white European. All these factors made it possible to construct this country as a Republic. But the inevitable is exactly that.... inevitable. Population growth, immigration from non European countries, women's sufferage etc. Combine those changes with the the fundamental greed, selfishness and shortsighted nature of people and it was a foregone conclusion that the Republic would mutate into a democracy.....often described as "mob rule at the ballot box". Once democracy destroys the checks and balances that control government it's a short step to a professional bureaucratic class that cannot be fired, an oligarchy of powerful elites who run things behind the scenes and the unavoidable financial suicide caused by the need to buy votes using tax dollars. We are a clever species, NOT an intelligent one. And we are doomed to the never ending cycle of freedom, collapse, oppression and revolution....with three of those four stages delivering pain suffering and death in wholesale numbers. As long as we allow everyone to breed and vote as if we were all equal in IQ and ethics we are a DOOMED species.

    1. Well stated Dan, but I sincerely wish I didn't agree with you.

  3. I suppose it futile to suggest (again) that just denying the vote to anyone receiving more than 50% of their income from a Federal or State source (Yes I include federal and state employees with the welfare queens) would probably do the trick.

  4. Any you have motor-voter registration which guarantees that all the ignorant people will be registered.
