Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Well Done


  1. Replies
    1. I dunno, but I'm missing it too.

    2. It's both the photographic composition, and the, I guess, landscape planning to create a very interesting Southwest theme to what would otherwise be just a boring, blank wall. Notice the placement of the cacti. The variation in their size and texture, but still according to a pattern. The single strip of green light across the top of the wall that adds a whole new dimension of light intensity, and color, and notice that the livid green color both contrasts with and at the same time complements the restrained desert grey green colors of the plants. Notice how the green of the curb is connected to the bright green of the neon strip by the grey green cacti. The flat smooth texture of the wall contrasting with the prickly texture of the various succulents. It's all planned to capture and delight the eye, and planned very, very well.

    3. Further, the vertical shape of the cacti draw the eye up to what is the visual centerpiece to the image, and that of course is the bright green neon line at the top of the wall. It's a visual leap upward. Plus, the photographer has chosen an interesting time of day to capture the image, during the proverbial "golden hour" around sunset or sunrise, where the light is at its most evocative. Here, its muted enough to soften the entire image, but serves at the same time to emphasize, again, the visual centerpiece of the image. Very well conceived and photographed.
      I could go on and on.
