Friday, October 4, 2019

Study Reveals A Significant Increase In Americans Carrying Guns

A report released by the nonprofit Crime Prevention Research Center this week needs a trigger warning: Nearly 19 million U.S. citizens have permits to carry a concealed handgun.
Just since last year, the number’s grown by 8 percent — an increase of 1.4 million.
1.4 million!
That's bad, bad news for criminals and Democrats.  After what happened to Bernie, I hope Joe doesn't pop an eyeball when he hears about that statistic.


  1. 19 Million honest Americans are legal Concealed Carriers. I bet than number is eclipsed by the illegal armed criminals. And if the Democrats get their "Beto Wish" guess which group is going to become instant 1st time Felons.

  2. Luckily, I live in a Constitutional Carry state. It wasn't always that way, but it is now.


  3. Strictly, those numbers don't tell us how many Americans are carrying guns, only how many permits have been issued. Nonetheless, I am glad to see a tendency toward at least obtaining the certification necessary to exercise the right so that it may be exercised as the law requires (being one of those 19 million with a permit AND actually carrying nearly constantly).

  4. its worse for the dems than that. this doesn't count 16 states that allow concealed carry without a permit. by estimate, 27.8 million total. out of 320 million that's 8.75 percent of every man woman and child. if you figure children out that's quit a large percentage of adults carrying legally and that's just pistols. have fun Beto.
