Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sinatra's Kid? You decide.


  1. Maybe. Maybe not. Need more data. Who's the new kid? Where is this data coming from? One should not trust visual data, anywhere, ever.

  2. Now put up a picture of Woody Allen, and let's compare.

    1. None of the above, I fear Aggie. I think Mia used artificial insemination from the same donor bank as Vladimir Putin's dad.

    2. Anything's possible of course, but the gossip is that although Frank and Mia had divorced many years before, they were still saw each other regularly up to his death and were pretty passionate... There are other pictures of young Frankie and Ronan that, when put together, give you a 'Holy Shit!' feeling. Of course it's all just titillation and not really relevant. If Ronan were curious I'm sure he would already know. He has given out a hint or two that he does, and so has Woody Allen.

  3. Looks more like Mia than Frank....

  4. Definitely not Woody's, anyway.

    Let's look at Justin "Trudeau"/Fidel Castro, and Chelsea "Clinton"/Webb Hubbell.
