Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Sad to say but this might be a good investment in any region where there is the chance of a significant natural disaster, or an area where the political control is with the Democrats


  1. Some municipalities have gone so far as to prohibit the collection of rain water.

  2. IBC food-grade tote tanks are bigger and cheaper (if purchased used), but you need at least 2 guys to hoik'em up - or a forklift. And they're functional, not pretty.

    1. And they won't fit into a house via a normal doorway.

  3. You don't already have three?

  4. Warning. Be careful with too much weight on frame structures with things like this. Usually bathrooms are reinforced under the tub to hold extra weight.

    Best kept on ground floors or structurally sound areas.

  5. How do you fill the bottom one when it becomes empty and the top is still somewhat full? Also no handles and H2O weighs 8lbs per gallon. That's almost half a ton on 4 square feet. Be careful with these.
