Saturday, October 5, 2019

Ribeye for dinner this evening.


  1. Nice! You ought'a try a little MikeysSpice on it!

  2. Cast Iron pan. I've got thirty pounds of cast iron cookware on my stove-top!

    One winter when the power went out for four days, I kept the house at a bearable temperature by putting all the cast iron on the gas stovetop and setting the flame at a level that kept the iron at 150 degrees, the radiant heat kept the house at 62 degrees until the power came back on.

  3. What a coincidence! That was my dinner last night (the 5th) as well.

  4. I did a couple of 2" thick NY strips last week in the cast iron fry pan & finished them in the oven.
    I'd never done that before, they were great!

  5. Had some ribeyes on the grill last night. Little bit of "Fat Boys" steak seasoning.....delicious!
