Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Moohahaha! If I could only claim credit for this: Tulsi Gabbard Declares War on Hillary Clinton and Democrat Party Establishment

She's no Conservative, but she is far too centrist (and for this current crop of Dems that means far, extreme left) for the gaggle of near Communists that currently control what used to be the Democratic party.

So she must be destroyed, figuratively if not literally....yet.

In a video released Sunday on Twitter, Gabbard talks about the origins of her long-simmering feud with Democratic leaders, dating back to her support for the insurgent campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in 2016.
Gabbard resigned from her post within the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in protest at the way then-chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) was treating Sanders. Her concerns were later vindicated by Wikileaks, which released emails showing that party leaders had conspired to help Clinton secure the nomination, forcing Schultz to resign.
Gabbard refers to the “countless hit pieces” against her in the mainstream media, the most recent of which was an Oct. 11 article in the New York Times painting Gabbard as a right-wing extremist. (The Times hosted the fourth primary debate just three days later, and the article — which lacked any evidence — was seen by some as an effort to marginalize Gabbard after she had attacked Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) effectively in the second debate.)
Very effectively.  So effectively Harris is, practically speaking, out of the race altogether.  And Right wing?  The chick is so left wing she can turn right and bump into Hugo Chavez.
Citing her 16 years of military service in the U.S. Army National Guard, and her congressional service on national security committees, Gabbard rebukes Clinton and others for “falsely portray[ing] me as a traitor.”
Hopefully, the fratricide will continue.  Extreme left parties have a long history of tearing themselves apart over small doctrinal differences.   Looks like our Hawaiian surfer gal is the current target, but given her small appeal to voters, the question really becomes who will be the next victim after Tulsi fades away.  

Related:  It is no secret to the observant that since the 2016 election, the Democratic Party has been in a state of near-collapse, the victim of its own hubris, having lost their moral compass with unsubstantiated Russisgate allegations; those accusations continue as a futile exercise of domestic regime change.


  1. "who will be the next victim after Tulsi fades away."

    It won't be Tom Steyer. The Socialists like the useful idiot who has flooded and is currently flooding the airwaves in my area with moronic, nauseating and expensive verbal tripe.

  2. Kabuki Theater to enhance Tulsi's fundrasing...

  3. Tom Steyer wants a nuclear war to get rid of Trump. The Civil War has started and Steyer is calling for the use of NUKES.

    “Billionaire Democrat donor Tom Steyer called for a “nuclear war” to stop President Trump — then took back his comment after the interviewer called his point “sobering.”

    “Maybe we can have, like, a nuclear war and then we get a real course correction,” Steyer told The Rolling Stone in an interview published Friday. He was elaborating on his belief that it is imperative for Congress to impeach Trump immediately, because the “checks and balances system” set up in the constitution isn’t working, and the only other option is to wait around for economic disaster and war.”

    1. Styer is a certifiable delusional psychopath. In addition he's one of the few psychopaths that qualifies as a single digit I.Q. achiever.

  4. She can destroy as many of the Democrats as she wants to. She can even win the nomination. She still won't get my vote. Just because she is not as left wing as the rest doesn't mean her brand of Socialism is any more acceptable than the hard core lefties.
    As a fellow veteran, I thank her for her service. She can suck rotten eggs because of what she wants to do to our country.

  5. As was observered of the Bourbons: "they learned nothing, and have forgotten nothing."
    Only in this case, it is the Democrats and the Never Trumpers who have no idea why Trump won, but figure it must not be their fault, so time to double down. "If only they can get their message out this time ..."

  6. They have no choice, hoaxes are all they have.
