Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Heck of a day today. Red flag this ape!

Six hour drive yesterday, another six today.  Hotel room is just one step up from the bottom rung. 

 And, I'm in LA - ugh!


  1. In L.A.? Get an "AirS&T" (tent and sidewalk). They're not only cheaper than a regular hotel but they're the gauche thing these days in Los Angeles.

  2. Well, that's the first Thompson to my knowledge that burns brass as well as powder.

  3. If you're in L.A, gorillas with machine guns are the least of your worries!

    It's dangerous there, and full hazmat suits are recommended!

  4. See the guy in the video? That's what a HazMat suit looks like after 6 hours on the streets of San Francisco.

  5. this character is needed to go to the next L. A. city council meeting. with several mags. and ear plugs.
