Sunday, October 20, 2019

Chairman Xi may fear his daughter's life. That's the problem with being president for life: impeachment includes execution.

It's rich indeed that the leader of the worlds's foremost tyranny (they call themselves Communist, but they lost that right when they adopted Capitalism to enrich their county) sees safety for his family in the Anglosphere.

The Taiwan News reported that even though she graduated five years ago, Chairman Xi's daughter has returned to Harvard for graduate studies. The newspaper speculates that Xi sent her to protect her safety.

The Taiwan News said she may be unhappy with life in Red China.

The newspaper reported, "Some observers also consider the move to be a potential safeguard. Sending his daughter back to the U.S. might be considered a diplomatic measure to signal trust in Washington and also a means for Xi to remove his daughter from harm if factional struggles within the Communist Party were ever to threaten Xi’s grip on power."

"In Beijing’s system, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) holds a monopoly on power. But the party leadership is not a monolithic group. CCP leaders span a range of political associations, socioeconomic backgrounds, professional credentials, geographic associations and policy preferences. Two broad camps in the leadership vigorously vie for influence and control in post-Deng China: the elitist coalition, with its core faction of princelings (leaders who come from veteran revolutionary families), and the populist coalition, which primarily consists of so-called tuanpai (leaders who advanced their careers through the Chinese Communist Youth League)."

Elitists vs. populists. Sound familiar?

Like the old Soviet Union, these corrupt and tyrannical regimes seem solid, until they suddenly collapse, to the astonishment of the so called experts.

Xi is doing the right thing for his daughter.


  1. He ain't saving her....she got a taste of the freedoms we have here in the United States and realized that China is a George Orwell novel come to life

  2. Tyrannies are the same as they have always been. At least one Assyrian king 3,000 to 4,000 years ago had everyone that could lay claim to the throne executed except his wives and children. Seems like what goes on in China.

  3. Xi is also making it harder to be blackmailed. If an opposing faction were to seize his daughter, he'd be in a tough spot!

    I wonder what his daughter thinks of things. It'd be interesting for some journalist to interview her, but they're all too busy trying to pin something, anything, on our president to do any actual reporting!
