Tuesday, October 8, 2019

California's descent into third world status accelerates.

Preemptive outages loom across a “vast” swath of Northern and Central California this week, PG&E warned, adding that a “strong and dry wind event” forecast for midweek could prompt the utility to shut down power in as many as 30 counties in an effort to stave off wildfire risk.
The preemptive shutdown warnings were prompted by the prospect of a “potentially widespread, strong and dry wind event Wednesday morning through Thursday afternoon” that has elevated the wildfire risk across much of the state, PG&E said.
The wind never caused such problems in years past.  Why all of a sudden will a windy day shut down the power for hundreds of thousands, when ten years ago nothing of the sort would ever be considered?  The very thought was laughable!
South Bay officials said they had been preparing for possible shutoffs for months, though they urged residents to do the same by stocking up on needed food, water, and medicine.
Stock up. Buy a generator. Make sure you have your meds.  Good lord.


  1. The question is, why is anybody with any sense still in that crazy assed state....GTF out and go to Texas, or Florida....just leave your damn politics behind....

  2. This is what happens when the Ecotards stop the power company from trimming trees that encroach on the power lines.

  3. "Stock up. Buy a generator. Make sure you have your meds." Leave.

    1. Delete all before "leave". There, I fixed it for ya.

  4. In Texas we pay about $0.11 per kilowatt hour for uninterrupted electricity. I think moving out of CA is a great option for anyone fed up enough, and UHaul's one-sided fees ('going to CA' vs. 'Leaving CA) are showing just how many Californians think so, too.

    1. Just make sure to leave your California politics behind. Nothing worse then people fleeing a democratic hell hole only to keep voting democrat at their new location.

  5. The question is, why is anybody with any sense still in that crazy assed state....GTF out and go to Texas, or Florida....just leave your damn politics behind....

    Because politics aside, California saved my life after an abusive childhood and a brutal divorce and gave me a chance to start over with nothing but what I carried on my back, that's why. If you've never been left completely on your own, maybe that doesn't register. Forty-five years later I'm 74 and broken in body but not in spirit. If I can get my body back together someplace else is still on the menu, but it won't be Florida or Texas, that's for damn sure.

    In my personal and painful experience, apart from the climate being borderline unbearable, Florida is full of dangerous lunatics and Texas is full of angry assholes.

    Your mileage may vary, of course.

  6. Even with all the stupid politics and stupid democrats California is still a pretty great place to be. Before you start throwing stones at us, look at your own state and see how many idiots you have there. Calif. used to be a bastion of conservatism, before democrats and illegal aliens took over. Don't think it can't happen in your state, look at Texas. That state is no longer red but purple.

    1. Cali is a shithole, but hey, keep deluding yourself. That tactic is workin out, great for you, thus far. ;)

  7. hahahahahahaha Who fucking cares? Those assholes are getting exactly what they voted for, good and hard. hahahahahaha Conservative? Leave. Conservative who stays? hahahahaha fuck you, 'tard. REAP it.

  8. Hi C.W.,
    For the same reason they want to take away every civilian's Fire Arms.......
    "IT'S ABOUT CONTROL!!!!!!!!"
    'Their "Control" over "US" as opposed to "OUR" Control over "THEM!!!!"
    While yer' at it, throw in the word POWER!!! Who Has IT??????
    Audentes, Fortuna, Ivat,
    GOD, GUNZ and GUTZ
    KEEP AMERICA FREE..... so far!!
