Saturday, July 20, 2019

Wingspan, it's just what the doctor ordered


  1. I want one.
    Would take sail-planing to new heights.

  2. Those are very noisy when taking off but very quiet when landing.

  3. Named after Bone-Head's Irish singing group.

  4. takeoff, landing, taxi is all a group effort. the pilots all get astronaut wings. the newer pressure suits are no more comfortable than the old ones. for all intents the cockpit is not well pressurized. cruise speed at altitude is five knots above stall speed and five knots below never exceed speed. think sailplane going supersonic and how bad that could get. it has no ejection seat. with the wing length to fuselage length, consider the dynamic coupling happening during a flat spin, a forbidden maneuver.
    still want one?

  5. NOT a U-2. It's a TR-1 (tactical reconnaissance) under control of a theater commander.
