Saturday, July 27, 2019

Mrs. CW is immensely amused by how raucous the British Parliament is. BoJo fires them up.


  1. A blond English Trump... damn, ya think things are gonna change? A little trivia... the space that separated the two combatants across the desk was set at two swords lengths so past and present parties can not slice each other.

  2. Interesting that Corbyn keeps having to look at his notes while talking, while Boris looks once or twice.

    Definitely proof that Boris is about a bazillion times sharper than Corbyn, and that the No-Exiters and other leftist punks have had their way in Parliament for far too long. (Kinda like our Congress.)

  3. Why do Liberals like Corbyn constantly use the word "divisive" when it's them who create victim groups and set them against conservatives. Hypocrisy maybe?

  4. Because there's something wrong with them.

  5. Often I wish fervently that our Congress was as openly adversarial as the British Parliament is. Wouldn't it be wonderful to see President Trump matching wits with Madame Pelosi in a verbal battle like that one?

    Of course the Left isn't up to that contest. In a battle of wits, they are unarmed!

  6. God I love the British Parliament and there open discussion and fervor. Very stimulating. Rear when we see congress do this. But then, I don't watch C-Span.

  7. Sorry,"rare" when we see congress...
