Monday, May 6, 2019

Another good deed done by Trump

In May 2008, Behenna was questioning Ali Mansur Mohamed, a suspected terrorist who had allegedly been involved in an IED attack that killed two U.S. soldiers. The interrogation ended when Behenna fired two rounds into the terrorist — which the 1st Lt. claimed was in self-defense after Mansur lunged for his pistol.

In a statement released Monday announcing the pardon, the White House noted that Behenna’s 25-year sentence was greatly reduced following certain concerns about the case. Behenna was released from prison on parole in 2014.
“After judgment, however, the U.S. Army’s highest appellate court noted concern about how the trial court had handled Mr. Behenna’s claim of self-defense.  Additionally, the Army Clemency and Parole Board reduced his sentence to 15 years and paroled him as soon as he was eligible in 2014—just 5 years into his sentence.”

Too bad he had to serve five years for humanely offing a howling savage who, very likely, needed killing, as they say in Texas.  


  1. I got a real problem with politicians, bureaucrats and their ilk who send better men than they'll EVER be into harms way and then attempt to prosecute them for doing their job. As far as I'm concerned, if you're too cowardly to enter combat yourself, you have no right to judge those you send. But, we all know politicians, in general, are nothing more than cowards and bullies.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Have I been censored? If so, that's the last you'll see of me

  4. Now he should be awarded the Medal of Freedom.

  5. Another travesty from our old buddy Obama and his PC yes men.

    Thank you Mr. President Trump for making this right.

    1. I believe it is going to take another six years to weed out all the trash that replaced the leaders who were "invited" to "pursue other interests" and were told that their chances of commanding a canoe let alone a ship were nill.

  6. wish those who effect these travesties were stood in front of the savages they kowtow to.
