Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Interestingly with a massive increase in their purchase of the new F-35 fighter jet, Japan is now biggest international buyer

Tokyo previously planned to procure 42 F-35A models. However, a source close to the program confirmed that Japan will be adding 63 F-35A models, as well as 42 F-35B models, for a total of 147 F-35 fighters.

The package would make Japan second only to the United States in terms of procured F-35s, with the United Kingdom (138 total fighters) now third. Japan also becomes the fourth user of the “B” model, joining the U.S. Marine Corps, the United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force and the Italian Navy.

The communist Chinese must be very pleased.  Next, the Japanese will be upgrading their carrier fleet, which must also give the Reds fits.


  1. The Japanese have a licensed production facility on Japanese soil. Therefore they will be able to make even more if they drop a few yen.

  2. This is a validation of the F35. All the horror stories are negated.
