Saturday, December 1, 2018

Get Woke, Go Broke

They'll never learn.  Were there no adults in charge at this company when this decision was originally made?  Antagonize loyal customers for no good reason?

Gun Sales So Low At Dick’s They May Yank All Hunting Gear.

The CEO for the sporting goods retailer said Thursday that the company was doing a trial run in 10 locations, pulling all hunting merchandise and replacing it with other items.
“Though it’s too early to discuss performance, we’re optimistic these changes will better serve the athletes in these communities,” Dick’s CEO Edward Stack said in a conference call, as reported by JSOnline.
The reason for the new approach may be because sales in that department have plummeted across all of Dick’s 732 stores.
“Specific to hunt, in addition to the strategic decisions made regarding firearms earlier this year, sales continued to be negatively impacted by double-digit declines in hunt and electronics,” said Lee Belitsky, chief financial officer.
By “strategic decisions” Belitsky is referring to the company’s announcement in the wake of the February massacre in Parkland, Florida that it would no longer sell guns to adults under the age of 21 and that it would not only stop selling but destroy its existing inventory of modern sporting rifles at its 35 Field & Stream locations.


  1. Sounds like CEO Edward Stack was pre-destined to be DICK’S HEAD.

  2. I hope they go COMPLETELY out of business.

  3. I won't buy ANYTHING at Dick's. Screw 'em - sideways.

  4. Here is more of Dick's shenanigans

  5. Live like a DICK die like a DICK.

    I've never been in one nor will I ever. I hope their shareholders string the King Dick up by his, um, dick.

  6. Evidently it has hurt them much worst than I thought, so good riddance to bad rubbish.

  7. Good. I'm glad this prick and his cronies are destroying Dick's. Fuck me? Fuck you!

  8. These clowns had no grasp of reality, only the herd instinct common with lemmings and politically correct leftists.

  9. Get woke, go broke, as Instapundit put it. Half of the reason for field and stream was hunting. Dick's is simply on a death spiral now and it couldn't happen to a better bunch.

    I've been in Dick's a couple times, but not since they went insane about firearms. They've seen my back for the last time.

  10. You'd think they would reconsider the original bad decision, but no, they decide to double down on stupid...

  11. A studious shopper can always find more quality and better prices! In all my visits to dicks world of high prices and chinese quality I have never once been compelled to take my wallet to the register. Dicks was the showroom for many brands but the price could ALWAYS be beat by quite a bit! + the sales force could not answer ANY question coherently.

  12. I went into DICKS once and priced some .45 ammo. interesting. wanted also new shin pads for martial arts activity. also interesting. wanted the folks there to order some product they did not carry as floor stock. they had no mechanism to do so. also interesting. found their prices to be, oh, how to put it...a bit high.
    so, I left. the fact that they decided to destroy rather than sell their stock, amuses me to no end. what a unique investment strategy they present to customer and investor alike.

  13. I hope the stockholders of Dicks sue these (figurative) dicks for fiduciary malfeasance under whatever laws cover that. If it is criminal in some fashion, I hope they go to jail. Leftist are just plain stupid even if they have a string of letters after their names.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Any serious worker goes to the lumber yard to get his lumber, or to the plumber's supply or to the electrical supply house for what he needs. Or, he can decide to cripple his selection and make do with what he finds at Lowe's, failing that, Walmart. Dick's is the Lowe's of sporting goods. Soon it will be the Walmart equivalent - and since it's charging full retail for middling-rate quality and limited selection, it shouldn't take too long for it to fail. You can only get so much positive reinforcement from a fancy showroom.

  16. No one cares Dicks. No one is paying attention. Nothing you do matters anymore.
