Saturday, December 1, 2018

A natural phenomenon: the rainbow swamps of Florida.

I'd never heard of such a thing before.

Turns out, it's due to the release of natural oils from the cypress tree cones.


  1. So if we skim off the 'essential oils' from the swamp and bottle them, can we sell them in shopping malls (Temples of the Living Elvis) as miracle cures for women to spread on their faces?

  2. We also have oils on water from natural crude oil seeps. And tar balls from natural seeps from huge oil reserves litter our coasts. But "Shhhhhhh" don't tell anyone because oil is baaaaaaad.

  3. those "cones" are called "knees"

  4. The first oil well in the US was along the Oil Creek near OilCity, PA sheen of oil floating down the 'crick' long before the evil white man showed up. The indigenous caretakers of the area used the residue in medicine and in their Peace Paint that they used to appear more inviting to the neighboring indigenous families during intramural festivals.
    The fishing in Oil Creek and downstream in the upper Allegheny River was and is great.

  5. Sorry bout that, i spilled my lucky charms in the water:)

  6. Sorry bout that, i spilled my lucky charms in the water:)
