Friday, August 10, 2018

The latest addition to my reading list

"Sometimes the slim volumes are the most deadly. Such is the case with Thomas Sowell’s “Discrimination and Disparities,” which in fewer than 200 pages lays bare the grave faults and assumptions of people on both sides of the political divide about outcomes for racial groups. In a long, storied career, Sowell has been a beacon of reason and evidence-based thinking. In this book, he makes the fruits of his labors accessible to almost anyone. Anyone who wishes to think, speak, or write on race in America would be remiss in not reading it."  David Marcus

1 comment:

  1. One of the things I loved about Sowell was that his columns were
    written for the common man. His more schollarly works are a bit
    hard to read, much like William F. Buckley or George Orwell. I
    had to keep a dictonary on hand to read Buckley, and 1984 was
    a lesson in translating proper English into American English.
    Sowell's The Vision of the Annointed was a hard read, but it
    was well worth my (or your) time! I owe Sowell and Walter E.
    Williams a debt that I cannot repay. Their views on the dynamic
    nature of macroeconomics opened my eyes.

    I was able to apply the dynamic model to law, politics, the criminal
    system, etc. An example of the dynamic nature of politics is that whenever
    a president pushed the state too far to the left, there was voter backlash.
    Truman gave us Eiseinhower, LBJ gave us Nixon, Carter gave us Reagan, Obama
    gave us President Trump, etc. Ike, Nixon, and Reagan were elected in
    electoral landslides. When Ronald Reagan was governor of my home state,
    the smelly hippies took over college campuses. He sent the California
    National Guard in to administer baton therapy.

    Obama overplayed his hand. His army of leftist brownshirts have so
    alienated the elecorate, that it allowed Trump to win in an electoral
