Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Literal insanity, beyond even banning plastic straws.

Banning straws was just the warning, the tocsin, the red flag, about where our political class was planning to go.  

● Shot: California assembly passes bill mandating 100 percent clean electricity. “California’s assembly has voted to move the state’s electricity completely off fossil fuels. The state assembly on Tuesday passed S.B. 100, a proposal to transition California to 100 percent emissions-free electricity sources by 2045. Amid heavy lobbying from environmentalists and other groups, the bill passed, 43 to 32.”
—CBS News, yesterday.

● Chaser: ‘Green’ California Is More Reliant On Foreign Oil Than Ever Before: “California’s biggest source of crude oil imports is now Saudi Arabia with more than 98 million barrels in 2017.”
—The Daily Caller, yesterday.

A clear path to the creation of a new Venezuela out of a heretofore successful state has been established.

Unbelievable stupidity, if not outright evil.  Even illegal aliens here should see this, and being a naturally practical people, vote accordingly, or at least one would think so.

Next, they'll outright ban the internal combustion engine.

This green energy plan is so devoid of logic and sense that Governor Moonbeam might actually refuse to sign it.  We'll see.


  1. The internal combustion engine is next.

  2. The liberal stupidity involved in this hairbrained shceme is staggering!
    It is technologically impossible to do this. Add the astronomical cost
    to this loberal idiocy, and you do not end up like Venezuela it would
    be more like Zimbabwei. I have a $100,000,000,000 Zimbamweian bank
    note in my desk drawer. I could not buy a cup of coffee with what
    that bill is worth.

    I bought a paperback copy of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, but was
    intimidated by it's almost 900 page count. I knew that a movie
    project was in the works so I waited for it to come out on DVD.
    The 3 disk movie ended with the lights going out all across

    In Dr. Dixie Lee Rays Trashing The Planet, she debunks all of these
    green energy scams. Wind farms are too expensive, inefficient, and
    unrealiable to make up more than a few percent of total energy
    production. Solar PV panels and solar thermal plants are even worse.

    Solar radiation follows the law of inverse squares. That means that
    only so many Photons will hit a given area of photovoltiac panels or
    focusing mirrors. That quantity will never increase, and it is unlikely
    that we will ever see a quantum leap in efficency. To make matters worse,
    these methods are worthless at night or on overcast days. As for wind
    farms, what happens when the wind stops blowing?

  3. Assembly Bill 1745 by Phil Ting (D) San Francisco was written in June 2018.
    This bill would mandate ALL vehicles in California be ZERO EMISSION by 2040.

    1. Phil Ting? We Californians won't be "filling" up any "ting" if this guy has his way.

  4. Calling Moonbat Brown! Calling Moonbat Brown!

    There's a caller on the line who wants to speak to "Staggering Idiocy," so would Moonbat Brown please pick up the white phone!

    Of course Brown will sign this unbelievably stupid bill into law; when it comes to stop digging the hole that you're in, Moonbat Brown has only begun to dig- and we have Gavin Newsome waiting in the wings to dig it deeper and wider.

    I weep for the once-great, once- Golden State of my birth, which is no more.


    But the law says ya,cant build anymore windmills
