Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The reach of Google/Youtube is long indeed

As you may know, half a world away in Sweden, insane globalists in power have attempted to fill the country with barbarians and criminals, as globalists always do, in furtherance of their plan to weaken national identities and cultures.

The next step is to assert globalist control through international organizations like the EU.

In Sweden, the people are fully fed up with this, and are looking to change their government before it's too late.   An upcoming election promises to radically reorient their government, and that's a threat to the globalists.

So, apparently using their control of Silicon Valley firms, they've ordered Youtube to remove a video from the Alternative for Sweden party, as it's apparently too effective in communicating the nationalist/patriotic message.

So, from halfway around the world, the censorship of free speech from an putatively free country is activated, and the Youtube video has been taken down.

For now, you cans still see it on other sites, but who knows for how long.  Check it out and see if it's so offensive.

I never thought I'd see the day when our own country would blatantly censor political speech this way. Do the people who own these companies have any principles?  Any shame?

The power to block lawful content should be in the hands of individual users – not Mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey. -Petitions.whitehouse.gov

Can't come soon enough.


  1. We live in an age where there are no consequences meted out to those who engage in odious behavior or create intolerable conditions. Until there is, and until consequences are swift, instantly retaliatory, and sufficiently deterring, it will continue. The message is: Stop being so nice. Obama's mantra was 'Hope & Change'. Maybe our modern mantra, at least for a little while, should be 'Cause & Effect'.

  2. It isn't "our own country" who is censoring speech. It's the so-called "Masters of the Universe," i.e. Google, Facebook, Twitter et al, who consider themselves above any country.

    Those companies are far more dangerous than any of the old-time Monopolies with their "robber Barons" that were prosecuted and "trust-busted."

    They comprise the modern Public Square, and they effectively throttle our freedom of speech; it's past time they were prosecuted and broken up!
